The Linux command killall is a powerful tool used to terminate running processes on a Linux system. It is used to send a signal to all processes with a given name, allowing the user to quickly and easily terminate multiple processes at once. This command is especially useful for system administrators who need to quickly terminate multiple processes that are running on a system. It can also be used to terminate processes that are stuck or unresponsive.
The killall command is used to terminate all processes with a given name. It is a command line utility that is used to terminate all processes with a given name.
killall [options] process_name
-e, –exact: Match the process name exactly.
-i, –ignore-case: Ignore case when matching process names.
-q, –quiet: Do not display any output.
-s, –signal: Specify the signal to send to the process.
To terminate all processes with the name “firefox”, use the following command:
killall -q firefox
Killall Linux Command
The killall command is a Linux command line utility that is used to terminate all processes with a given name. It is a part of the GNU Core Utilities package, which is installed by default on most Linux distributions. The killall command is useful for terminating multiple processes at once, instead of having to manually kill each process one by one.
The syntax for the killall command is as follows:
killall [options] process_name
The process_name argument is the name of the process that you want to terminate. You can also use the -i option to make the command interactive, which will prompt you to confirm each process before it is terminated.
The killall command also supports a number of other options, such as -u to terminate processes owned by a specific user, -g to terminate processes belonging to a specific group, and -s to specify the signal to be sent to the process.
The killall command is a powerful tool for managing processes on a Linux system. It can be used to quickly terminate multiple processes at once, or to selectively terminate processes based on their user or group ownership.