How to Write an Email to HR for Deposit My Salary in My Bank Account


Writing an email to your HR department to request that your salary be deposited into your bank account is a straightforward process. It is important to be clear and concise in your email so that your request is understood and can be processed quickly. This guide will provide you with tips on how to write an effective email to HR for deposit of your salary into your bank account.

How to Write an Email to HR for Deposit My Salary in My Bank Account

Subject: Request to Deposit Salary in Bank Account

Dear [Name of HR],

I am writing to request that my salary be deposited directly into my bank account. My bank account details are as follows:

[Bank Name]

[Account Number]

[Routing Number]

I would appreciate it if you could process this request as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Sometimes you need to send an email to your HR department to get your salary, it happens mostly when you are new to the job (or) when the company has put your salary on hold for some time.

If you are a new employee then you have to send your bank details along with the email or if you already have a salary account then you just need to write the request mail to credit your salary.

Mail to HR for Deposit My Salary in My Bank Account

Format 1

Sub: Request to credit salary for the month of __________(month & year).

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am, __________(your name), employee id ____________, working as ____________(designation) in ___________(department) at the ______________(company name).

This is to bring your kind notice that my salary has not been credited for the month of __________(month & year). Here I would like to request you to kindly deposit my salary to below bank account number.

  • Name : __________________
  • Bank name: ________________
  • Bank A/c no: _________________
  • IFSC code: ___________________

I hope you credit my salary soon.

Thanking you.


Your name.

Format 2

Sub: Salary credit request for the month of _______.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to bring your kind notice that my salary has not yet credited for the month of _______(month & year). I have already submitted my bank account details to you and I hope everything is fine with my account details.

So please credit my salary in my salary account, I shall be thankful to you in this matter.

Thanking you.

Your name.


Letter to HR to Deposit Salary in My Bank Account


The Human Resource Manager,

Company Name,

Company Address.

Sub: Salary credit request for the month of __________.

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is _____________ & employee id ___________ working as _________(designation) in __________(department) at ___________(company name).

I am writing this letter to inform you that my salary is not credited for the month of _______(month & year). So I am requesting you to please credit my salary in my bank account. Here are my bank account details:

  • Name: ________________
  • Bank name: ____________
  • A/c no: ________________
  • IFSC code: ________________

I shall be obliged to you in this matter.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Your name.

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How to Write an Email to HR for Deposit My Salary in My Bank Account

If you are an employee and you want to have your salary deposited directly into your bank account, you need to write an email to your HR department. This email should include all the necessary information about your bank account and your request for direct deposit. Here are some tips on how to write an effective email to HR for deposit your salary in your bank account.

Step 1: Gather the Necessary Information

Before you start writing your email, you need to gather all the necessary information about your bank account. This includes the bank name, account number, routing number, and any other information that your HR department may need. Make sure you have all the information ready before you start writing your email.

Step 2: Write a Clear Subject Line

The subject line of your email should be clear and concise. It should include the purpose of your email, such as “Request for Direct Deposit of Salary”. This will help your HR department quickly identify the purpose of your email.

Step 3: Introduce Yourself

In the body of your email, start by introducing yourself and your position in the company. This will help your HR department quickly identify who you are and why you are writing the email.

Step 4: Explain Your Request

In the body of your email, explain your request for direct deposit of your salary. Include all the necessary information about your bank account, such as the bank name, account number, and routing number. Make sure you provide all the necessary information so that your HR department can process your request quickly.

Step 5: Provide Contact Information

At the end of your email, provide your contact information, such as your phone number and email address. This will allow your HR department to contact you if they have any questions or need any additional information.

Step 6: Sign Off

Finally, sign off your email with a polite closing, such as “Thank you for your time and consideration”. This will show your HR department that you appreciate their time and effort.

By following these steps, you can write an effective email to HR for deposit your salary in your bank account. Make sure you provide all the necessary information and sign off your email with a polite closing. This will help your HR department process your request quickly and efficiently.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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