How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram


If you’re looking to clean up your Instagram feed, one of the best ways to do so is to unfollow hashtags. Unfollowing hashtags can help you reduce the amount of content you see in your feed, allowing you to focus on the content that matters most to you. In this guide, we’ll show you how to unfollow hashtags on Instagram so you can take control of your feed.

How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

1. Open the Instagram app on your device.

2. Tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen to open the search page.

3. Tap the Tags tab at the top of the page.

4. Tap the hashtag you want to unfollow.

5. Tap the Following button at the top of the page.

6. Tap Unfollow.

How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags on Instagram enable users to increase the reach of their work or talent in different places in the world. Hashtags are like a community where users from around the world can use them on their posts to share their work once the hashtag is created. But hashtags should be related to the post and not just random stuff. Following some hashtags on Instagram will show you the feed related to that hashtags, and you won’t anymore get some random feed that you don’t like. On Instagram, you can create your own hashtags, edit them, and if you don’t like them then you can also delete them permanently. You can also follow and unfollow other hashtags on Instagram that you have not created and can also report or block them if you don’t like them or are irrelevant to you. Following and unfollowing hashtags on Instagram are the same as following and unfollowing an Instagram account. This article will guide you in steps on how to unfollow hashtags on Instagram and how can you manage hashtags on Instagram. Also, you will learn to delete hashtags on Instagram feed and what is the Instagram hashtag follow limit.

How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

Keep reading further to find the steps explaining how to unfollow hashtags on Instagram in detail with useful illustrations for better understanding.

What’s the Unfollow Limit on Instagram?

The unfollow limit on Instagram for a day is 203, and the same is the follow limit. Exceeding the daily limits of unfollowing will lead to your account for a temporary ban which can be between 7 days to 3 months. No one will ever want to unfollow hundreds of followers on Instagram a day. Only a bot can unfollow a huge number of followers on Instagram in a day at once. To keep users from interrupting the followers and following list and to keep the account safe from any kind of malicious virus or from getting hacked, Instagram has applied limits on such tasks. As you already know that exceeding such limits will surely lead you to a ban.

What is Instagram Hashtag Follow Limit?

The Instagram hashtag follow limit is 203. Following more than 203 hashtags will automatically remove some of your hashtags until the total number sum reduces to 203. If you use a lot of hashtags on your posts and reels, there is a limit of 30 for that as well; you can only use at most 30 hashtags on your single post. Following the hashtags makes it easier to show content on the feed of your choice. Unfollowing some hashtag will never show any of the posts considering that hashtag unless you manually visit that hashtag or use it on your post.

Can You Delete Your Hashtags on Instagram?

Yes, you can delete your hashtags on Instagram. You have full control over your hashtags the hashtags that you have created can be easily edited or deleted from your Instagram account. You can delete your hashtags from every place that you have used from your post’s caption, comments, and reels. You can also report hashtags if they are inappropriate, which can then lead to the deletion of that hashtag, and will be blocked for using it again. If you don’t want any hashtags to appear on your feeds, you block them. The detailed guided steps for deleting hashtags on Instagram can be found in the given headings below.

Will Instagram Ban You for Unfollowing?

No, Instagram will not ban you from unfollowing until and unless you exceed the limit of unfollowing accounts per day. Following and unfollowing accounts on Instagram have some limits. If any account exceeds that number, that account becomes suspicious for Instagram, and Instagram soon investigates and applies a temporary ban on that account. Some accounts use external software, scripts, or applications just to get more followers on Instagram and follow them immediately. Such kind of behavior will lead to an account ban when unfollowing accounts. Instagram encourages users to promote their work and business. But if the user uses a false promotion technique, that account will surely get banned.

Why Can’t I Unfollow a Hashtag on Instagram?

Here are the reasons why can’t you unfollow a hashtag on Instagram:

  • You have reached the unfollow limit of the day.
  • This can be due to a network error or poor internet connectivity.
  • It can also be a bug or a glitch in the website or the Instagram app.
  • Server maintenance or error on the Instagram website or app.
  • The hashtag you used to follow has been deleted or blocked from Instagram.

Also Read: Why Did Your Instagram Drafts Disappear?

How Many Unfollows a Day on Instagram?

In a day, you can unfollow at most 203 accounts on Instagram and the same number of accounts you can follow in a day. If you try following more than 203 accounts, some of the accounts will automatically get unfollowed and stop when the list number reaches 203. If you have thousands or millions of followers on Instagram, you cannot unfollow more than 203 accounts in a day. If you try to unfollow more than 203 accounts, Instagram can ban your account for such suspicious behavior. According to Instagram, you are just using your account to increase followers by just following and unfollowing many accounts.

How Do I Manage Hashtags on Instagram?

To manage hashtags on Instagram, follow these steps:

Note: For new accounts, you have to follow at least 20 accounts to enable the hashtag option in your following list.

1. Launch the Instagram application on your Android and iOS devices.

Open the Instagram app on your phone.

2. Tap on the Profile tab at the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Tap on the profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen | How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

3. Tap on the desired post from which you want to delete the hashtag.

Select the post from which you want to delete the hashtag and tap on it.

4. Tap on the three-dotted icon from the top-right corner of the post.

Tap on the three vertical dot icon at the top-right corner of the post | How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

5. Tap on the Edit option.

Tap on the Edit option.

6. Edit the hashtag and tap on the tick mark icon from the top-right corner of the post to save it.

Edit the hashtag and tap on the right tick icon at the top-right corner of the post to save it.

This is how can you manage hashtags on Instagram.

Also Read: How to Turn Off Read Receipts on Instagram

How Do You Edit Hashtags on Instagram?

Follow the steps mentioned above to edit your hashtags on Instagram.

How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram?

To unfollow hashtags on Instagram, just follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.

2. Tap on the Profile tab > Following.

Tap on the Following option beside your profile image.

3. Tap on Hashtags, Creators and Businesses.

Tap on Hashtags, Creators and Businesses | How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

4. Tap on the Hashtags option from the top.

Tap on the Hashtags option at the top.

5. Tap on the Following option beside the desired hashtag.

Tap on the Following button beside a hashtag.

6. Tap on Unfollow from the popup menu to unfollow hashtags on Instagram.

Tap on Unfollow from the popup menu to unfollow hashtags on Instagram | How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

This is how you can unfollow hashtags on Instagram.

How to Unfollow All Hashtags on Instagram?

To know how to unfollow all hashtags on Instagram, follow the below-mentioned steps:

1. Launch the Instagram app on your phone.

2. Tap on the Profile tab > Following > Hashtags, Creators and Businesses.

3. Then, tap on the Hashtags option from the top.

Tap on the Hashtags option at the top.

4. Tap on the Following option beside the desired hashtag.

5. Tap on Unfollow from the popup menu to unfollow hashtags on Instagram.

Tap on Unfollow from the popup menu to unfollow hashtags on Instagram.

6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 repeatedly to delete all hashtags.

This is how to unfollow all hashtags on Instagram.

Also Read: How to See Who Unfollowed You on Instagram

How Do You Delete Hashtags on Instagram Feed?

To delete hashtags on Instagram feed of yours, just follow these steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.

2. Tap on the Profile tab > desired post > three-dotted icon from the top-right corner of the post.

3. Tap on the Edit option.

4. Erase the hashtag and type some captions about your post.

Erase the hashtag and type some captions about your post | How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

5. Tap on the tick mark icon from the top-right corner to save your post.

This is how do you delete hashtags on Instagram feed.


We hope that you learned how to unfollow hashtags on Instagram and what is the Instagram hashtag follow limit. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn about next.


How to Unfollow Hashtags on Instagram

Hashtags are a great way to discover new content on Instagram, but if you’re following too many, it can be overwhelming. Fortunately, it’s easy to unfollow hashtags on Instagram. Here’s how.

Step 1: Open the Instagram App

Open the Instagram app on your phone or tablet. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right corner to go to your profile.

Step 2: Tap the Following Tab

Tap the Following tab at the top of your profile. This will show you all the people and hashtags you’re following.

Step 3: Tap the Hashtags Tab

Tap the Hashtags tab at the top of the page. This will show you all the hashtags you’re following.

Step 4: Unfollow Hashtags

To unfollow a hashtag, tap the “Unfollow” button next to the hashtag. You can also tap the “Unfollow All” button at the top of the page to unfollow all the hashtags you’re following.

Step 5: Confirm Unfollow

Confirm that you want to unfollow the hashtag by tapping “Unfollow” in the pop-up window. You’ll no longer see posts from that hashtag in your feed.


Unfollowing hashtags on Instagram is easy. Just open the app, go to your profile, tap the Following tab, tap the Hashtags tab, and tap the “Unfollow” button next to the hashtag you want to unfollow. You can also tap the “Unfollow All” button to unfollow all the hashtags you’re following.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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