How to Start, Stop, and Restart Services in Linux


Welcome to this guide on how to start, stop, and restart services in Linux. Linux is a powerful operating system that can be used to manage a variety of services. In this guide, we will discuss how to start, stop, and restart services in Linux. We will also discuss the different commands used to manage services in Linux. By the end of this guide, you will have a better understanding of how to manage services in Linux.

How to Start, Stop, and Restart Services in Linux

1. Start a Service:

To start a service in Linux, use the command “service start”. For example, to start the Apache web server, use the command “service apache2 start”.

2. Stop a Service:

To stop a service in Linux, use the command “service stop”. For example, to stop the Apache web server, use the command “service apache2 stop”.

3. Restart a Service:

To restart a service in Linux, use the command “service restart”. For example, to restart the Apache web server, use the command “service apache2 restart”.


Linux provides fine-grained control over system services through systemd, using the systemctl command. Services can be turned on, turned off, restarted, reloaded, or even enabled or disabled at boot. If you are running Debian 7, CentOS 7, or Ubuntu 15.04 (or later), your system likely uses systemd.

This guide will show you how to use basic commands to start, stop, and restart services in Linux.

Tutorial on how to start, stop, and restart services on Linux.


  • Access to a user account with sudo or root privileges
  • Access to a terminal/command line
  • The systemctl tool, included in Linux

Basic Syntax of systemctl Command

The basic syntax for using the systemctl command is:

systemctl [command] [service_name]

Typically, you’ll need to run this as a superuser with each command starting with sudo.

How To Check If a Service is Running on Linux

To verify whether a service is active or not, run this command:

sudo systemctl status apache2

Replace apache2 with the desired service. In our case, we checked the status of Apache. The output shows that the service is active (running), as in the image below:

example that a service is active and running in Linux

How to Restart a Service

To stop and restart the service in Linux, use the command:

sudo systemctl restart SERVICE_NAME

After this point, your service should be up and running again. You can verify the state with the status command.

To restart Apache server use:

sudo systemctl restart apache2
systemctl command restarting service

How to Reload a Service

To force the service to reload its configuration files, type in the following command in the terminal:

sudo systemctl reload SERVICE_NAME

After reloading, the service is going to be up and running. Check its state with the status command to confirm.

In our example, we reloaded Apache using:

sudo systemctl reload apache2
reloading a service in linux

How to Start a Service

To start a service in Linux manually, type in the following in the terminal:

sudo systemctl start SERVICE_NAME

For instance, the command to start the Apache service is:

sudo systemctl start apache2

How to Stop a Service

To stop an active service in Linux, use the following command:

sudo systemctl stop SERVICE_NAME

If the service you want to stop is Apache, the command is:

sudo systemctl stop apache2

Check whether the service stopped running with the status command. The output should show the service is inactive (dead).

systemctl stop service example

How to Enable the Service at Boot

To configure a service to start when the system boots, use the command:

sudo systemctl enable SERVICE_NAME

To enable Apache upon booting the system, run the command:

sudo systemctl enable apache2
systemctl enable service at boot

How to Disable Service at Boot

You can prevent the service from starting at boot with the command:

sudo systemctl disable SERVICE_NAME

For example:

sudo systemctl disable apache2

Variations in Service Names

If you work within the same Linux environment, you will learn the names of the services you commonly use.

For example, if you are building a website, you will most likely use systemctl restart apache2 frequently, as you refresh configuration changes to your server.

However, when you move between different Linux variants, it is helpful to know that the same service may have different names in different distributions.

For example, in Ubuntu and other Debian based distributions, the Apache service is named apache2. In CentOS 7 and other RedHat distros, the Apache service is called httpd or httpd.service.

apache web service names of https and apache2


In most modern Linux operating systems, managing a service is quite simple using the commands presented here.

Make sure to know the name of the service for the operating system you are using, and the commands in this article should always work.


How to Start, Stop, and Restart Services in Linux

Linux is a powerful operating system that can be used for a variety of tasks. One of the most common tasks is managing services, which are programs that run in the background and provide certain functionality. In this article, we will discuss how to start, stop, and restart services in Linux.

Starting Services

To start a service in Linux, you can use the systemctl command. This command is used to manage system services and daemons. To start a service, you can use the start subcommand. For example, to start the Apache web server, you can use the following command:

sudo systemctl start apache2

This command will start the Apache web server. You can also use the enable subcommand to make sure that the service is started automatically when the system boots up.

Stopping Services

To stop a service in Linux, you can use the stop subcommand. For example, to stop the Apache web server, you can use the following command:

sudo systemctl stop apache2

This command will stop the Apache web server. You can also use the disable subcommand to make sure that the service is not started automatically when the system boots up.

Restarting Services

To restart a service in Linux, you can use the restart subcommand. For example, to restart the Apache web server, you can use the following command:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

This command will restart the Apache web server. This is useful if you have made changes to the configuration of the service and need to apply them.


In this article, we discussed how to start, stop, and restart services in Linux. We used the systemctl command to manage system services and daemons. We also discussed the start, stop, and restart subcommands, which can be used to start, stop, and restart services, respectively.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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