How to PM on Reddit


How to PM on Reddit

Reddit is one of the most popular online communities where users can participate in discussions and share content on various topics. Private messaging (PM) is a feature on Reddit that allows users to send and receive messages with other users in a secure and private environment. Reddit PMing is important for establishing relationships, asking questions, and sharing information with other users. This article will guide you through the steps of PMing on Reddit, from finding the PM feature to sending your first message. This guide on how to PM on Reddit will help you navigate the PM feature and start making connections on Reddit. First, let’s know when can I send private messages on Reddit and the PM Reddit meaning.

How to PM on Reddit

How to PM on Reddit

Private messaging on Reddit is a useful feature that allows you to have more personal and direct conversations with other users on the site. Whether you want to reach out to a fellow Redditor for advice, ask a question, or simply say hello, PMing is a simple and effective way. You will get to know what is PM Reddit meaning and how to PM on Reddit further in this article. Keep reading to learn more about it in detail.

What is PM Reddit Meaning?

PM stands for Private Message on Reddit. Users on Reddit can send private messages to other users, which are only visible to the sender and the recipient. These messages are separate from the public comment sections on posts and are used for more personal or confidential conversations. Now, if you have the question can you chat with people on Reddit, let’s answer that in the next section.

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Can You Chat with People on Reddit?

Yes, you can chat with others on Reddit. The site includes a private messaging feature that allows you to send direct messages to other users. Sending a private message on Reddit is quite easy and simple. You can type and send your message, which will be delivered to the recipient’s inbox. This is a good way to have more personal or private conversations with other Reddit users outside of the public comment sections on posts. Now, let’s learn when can I send private messages on Reddit.

When Can I Send Private Messages on Reddit?

Once you have an account and are signed in, you can send private messages on Reddit. You can send messages to other Reddit users once you have an account by going to their profile and clicking the message button.

Note: Sending private messages on Reddit has some restrictions. For example, if you are a new user with limited account history, you may be unable to send private messages until you have established a track record of positive site participation. Furthermore, some subreddits may restrict sending private messages, so check the rules before sending a message.

Now let’s head to the main section of this article, how to private message someone on Reddit.

How to Private Message Someone on Reddit?

Private messages can be sent to another Reddit user by anyone with a Reddit account, but they are limited to text only. Due to Reddit’s incomplete mobile website and frequently changing apps, mobile users may need to try some workarounds. Here are the steps on how to PM on Reddit:

1. Navigate to the Reddit website on your desktop browser.

Note: Make sure you are signed in to your account.

2. Locate the recipient’s profile by searching for their username in the search bar.

Note: You can also do it by clicking on their username in a comment or post they made.

Find the recipient's profile by searching for their username in the search bar or by clicking on their username in a comment or post they made.

3. Click on the Chat option on the recipient’s profile page.

Click on the Chat button on the recipient's profile page.

4. In the Message box that appears, type in the desired message.

Note: You can also include images or links by clicking the related options.

In the message window that appears, type in your message. | when can I send private messages on Reddit

5. Once you have written your message, click on the send icon to send it to the target recipient.

click the send button to send it to the recipient. | How to PM on Reddit

Your message will now be in their inbox, where they can read and reply to it. These are the steps you can follow on how to PM on Reddit.

Also Read: How to Find Someone on Reddit Without Their Username

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is Reddit used for?

Ans. Reddit is a social media platform that allows users to share news, information, and content in the form of text posts, images, and videos. Reddit is often referred to as the “front page of the internet” because it is one of the largest and most diverse online communities, with over 430 million monthly active users.

Q2. What is karma in Reddit?

Ans. Karma is a measure of a Reddit user’s reputation and participation. It is the total number of upvotes minus the total number of downvotes on a user’s posts and comments. When another user upvotes a user’s post or comment, their karma rises. In contrast, when a user’s post or comment is downvoted, their karma drops. The more upvotes a user receives, the higher their karma score and the greater their credibility within the Reddit community.

Q3. What is cake day on Reddit?

Ans. Cake Day on Reddit is the anniversary of the day a user created their Reddit account. A small cake emoji appears next to the user’s username on their profile and in the comment section of their posts on their cake day, indicating that it is their cake day.

Q4. Is a Reddit account free?

Ans. Yes, signing up for a Reddit account is completely free. Reddit accounts can be created by providing a username, password, and a valid email address. After creating an account, you will have access to all of the site’s features, such as submitting links and comments, participating in discussions, and joining subreddits. There are no charges or fees associated with creating or using a Reddit account for private messaging. Read this article from the start to learn how to PM on Reddit.

Q5. Why do they call it Reddit?

Ans. The name Reddit is a play on the words read it. The original Reddit founders, Steve Huffman, and Alexis Ohanian wanted to create a website that would allow users to share and discover new content and information, and the name Reddit was chosen.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily send private messages on Reddit and start engaging in more meaningful and personal conversations with other users on the site. The PM feature is a great way to enhance your experience on the site and make new connections with other users. We hope that this article on how to PM on Reddit has helped you, and you also have learned about PM Reddit meaning. You can let us know any queries or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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