How to Get Your Spotify Iceberg in 2023 (Guide)

1. Sign up for a Spotify account. You can do this by visiting the Spotify website and creating an account.

2. Start listening to music. You can do this by searching for songs, artists, or albums that you like.

3. Follow the Spotify Iceberg playlist. This is a special playlist that is updated every month with new music.

4. Listen to the songs on the playlist. This will help you get familiar with the music that is featured on the Spotify Iceberg.

5. Share your favorite songs with your friends. This will help you spread the word about the Spotify Iceberg and increase its popularity.

6. Follow the Spotify Iceberg on social media. This will help you stay up to date with the latest news and updates about the playlist.

7. Participate in the Spotify Iceberg contests. These contests are held every month and give you the chance to win prizes.

8. Keep listening to the Spotify Iceberg. This will help you stay up to date with the latest music and increase your chances of getting your Spotify Iceberg in 2023.

9. Be patient. It may take some time before you get your Spotify Iceberg in 2023, but if you keep listening and participating, you will eventually get it.

If you are active on social media platforms and part of the music community, you must have noticed your friends posting screenshots of an iceberg. This iceberg includes the names of various artists, which you may or may not know, placed at different levels. If this image has left you intrigued, we are here to help. Just like the viral Spotify Pie Chart that gained popularity last year, Icebergify is yet another way for you to visualize your Spotify listening habits. So, let’s take a look at how you can get your own Spotify Iceberg and share it with friends on social media.

Spotify Iceberg: Everything You Need to Know (2023)

Icebergify is a tool that allows you to explore the depths of your Spotify musical tastes. Apart from Spotify Wrapped, which you can access only once each year, Icebergify lets you understand your preferences at any given point in time. Using Icebergify, you can comprehend the nuances of your musical data and share your findings with your friends on various social media platforms.

Before you learn how to create your own Spotify Iceberg, let’s take an in-depth look into the concept of Icebergify. Continue reading below to know more!

What is Icebergify?

Icebergify is an open-source website created by Akshay Raj, a computer science student. The basic premise of Icebergify is to replicate the concept of an iceberg – but for your Spotify music taste based on popularity. Your Spotify Iceberg will analyze the artists that you listen to and then place them at different levels of an iceberg to depict either their popularity or their obscurity. Now, I am sure you are wondering how does it actually function? Don’t worry, we got you covered.


To curate your Iceberg, Icebergify will collect data from the top 50 artists you are listening to or may have listened to in the short-term, medium-term, and long-term. So, this means that your Iceberg will contain artists that you listen to frequently, that you listened to in the past, and the ones you have just started listening to. Now, remember that the data is not only based on your listening habits. Icebergify will also analyze your likes, saves, shares, playlists, and many more metrics to give you a full picture.

Apart from your personal Spotify metrics, the website will also rank your artists based on the level of their popularity and demand. So, let’s say you listen to a lot of Backstreet Boys and Son Lux. Backstreet Boys will be on top of your iceberg, whereas Son Lux might be placed at a lower level. This is entirely based on the fact that Backstreet Boys are more popular than Son Lux. Alternatively, if you listen to Ed Sheeran occasionally and Fenny Lily frequently, Ed Sheeran will still be placed at a higher level compared to Fenne Lily, purely based on the artist’s popularity.

How to Create Your Spotify Iceberg

Now that you know exactly what Icebergify is and how it creates your Spotify Iceberg, let us dive deeper into how you can make your very own Spotify Iceberg.

On Web/ Desktop

Icebergify is a web app, and there is no software available for you to download on your Mac or Windows PC. So, you will need to visit the Icebergify website to create your Spotify Iceberg. For reference, we are using the Chrome browser on a Windows PC in this guide. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to the Icebergify website (visit) on your desktop using your favorite browser.

2. Once you are on the Icebergify homepage, click the “create yours” button. The website will redirect you to the Spotify login page.


3. Once you are logged into your Spotify account, it will redirect you to the Icebergify agreement page, where you can see the permissions and data that Icebergify needs access to. Simply click on “Agree” to proceed further.


4. Right away, you will be able to see your Spotify Iceberg for the current month of the year. However, if you want a comprehensive picture, you can click on the “click here to see your all-time iceberg!” button at the top.


5. Once you click on the button, it will take you to your all-time Spotify Iceberg. You can also visit the Icebergify FAQ page by clicking on the interpret your iceberg option, but we have already explained how it works above. And that’s it! You have successfully created your own Spotify Iceberg.


On Android/ iOS

If you are on your smartphone and want to create your Spotify Iceberg, you can do that as well. Icebergify does not have a mobile app, so you need to open your mobile browser (for reference, we are using Google Chrome) and visit the Icebergify website to create your Spotify Iceberg on your iPhone or Android phone. Here’s how it works:

1. Access the Icebergify website (visit) on your smartphone and click the “create yours” button. It will redirect you to the Spotify login page.


2. Now, follow the last three steps mentioned in the desktop section above to gain access to your Spotify Iceberg for the current month, as well as your all-time Spotify Iceberg. And voila! You have now access to Spotify Iceberg on your mobile too.


How to Share Spotify Iceberg with Your Friends

Now that you know how to create your Spotify Iceberg on your desktop and smartphone, it is time for you to share your curated music taste with friends and family on various social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. But you must have noticed that there is no share or download button on the Icebergify website.

However, if you are on your Mac or Windows PC, you can right-click on the Spotify Iceberg image and select the “Save image as” option to download the Iceberg to your desired location. Moreover, you can choose to directly share the image to your desired platform by simply selecting the “Copy image” option and pasting the image onto Twitter or Facebook.

Share Spotify Iceberg

In case you are on your smartphone, long press on the image to open the pop-up menu. From the menu, in case you’re on Android, you can either choose the copy image, download image, or share image options. And if you are on iPhone, you can also save the image to your photo library or choose to directly share the Spotify Iceberg via the “Share” option.

Share Spotify Iceberg
Android (L) and iPhone (right)

How to Fix Issues with Spotify Iceberg

It is important to note that you might face issues or internal server errors (500) while trying to access the Icebergify website. This should not come as a surprise as Icebergify attracts a ton of traffic because of its demand and popularity. Many users have also reported they are able to generate their Spotify Iceberg only after multiple attempts. The same has been acknowledged and addressed by the web developer himself. So, here are a few fixes you can try to resolve this issue.

1. Try Refreshing the Website

As explicitly stated by the developer, you should first try to refresh the website multiple times until you can see the iceberg on your screen. This will require you to be patient but should work by refreshing the browser 3-4 times.

2. Clear your Browser Cookies

You can also try to clear your browser cookies and cached data that gets accumulated over time. For reference, we will use the Chrome browser. You can visit the Settings menu and head over to the “Privacy and Security” section to access the “clear browsing data” option. From the menu, select the time range as well as the options that say Cookies and other site data, and Cached images and files. Hit the “Clear data” button to delete cached data and try accessing the Icebergify website again.

Clear browser cookies and cached data

3. Connect/ Disconnect VPN

In case you are connected to a VPN network, it can also interfere with your access to the Icebergify website. In this case, disconnect from your VPN service and try accessing the website again. If you are not connected to a VPN network, you can download one of the best VPN apps and get access to your Spotify Iceberg.

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is Spotify Iceberg?

During my experience with Icebergify, I noticed the results were fairly accurate. Knowing my own artist preferences and my music listening habits, I found the Iceberg to be in line with Spotify’s data. Overall, you can rest assured that Icebergify gives an accurate representation of your Spotify data.

Is it Safe to Use Icebergify?

The core functionality of Icebergify is to give you a better and more comprehensive understanding of your listening habits on Spotify. So, it requires access to your data like your top artists, your likes, saves, and so on. You are not directly sharing your personal info with Icebergify like your phone number and email address. Keeping this in mind, you can trust Icebergify with your Spotify data.

Get Your Personalized Spotify Iceberg Chart Now!

Now that you know how to create your own Spotify Iceberg, go get your personalized chart and share it to flex your musical tastes on social media! Tell your friends about your music tastes, groove to the common beats, and discover several new artists. You can also improve how you use the streaming app by exploring these 25 handy Spotify tips and tricks. Alternatively, if the data geek within you isn’t satisfied with Icebergify, you can further explore other options to see your Spotify stats. That being said, what’s the most obscure artist hidden under the surface of the Iceberg for you? Let us and our readers know about new artists in the comments below.

How to Get Your Spotify Iceberg in 2023 (Guide)

Do you want to get your Spotify Iceberg in 2023? If so, you’ve come to the right place! This guide will provide you with the steps you need to take to get your Spotify Iceberg in 2023.

Step 1: Sign Up for Spotify

The first step to getting your Spotify Iceberg in 2023 is to sign up for Spotify. You can do this by visiting the Spotify website and creating an account. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to access the Spotify library and start streaming music.

Step 2: Listen to Music

Once you’ve signed up for Spotify, the next step is to start listening to music. You can do this by searching for songs, albums, or artists that you like. As you listen to music, Spotify will track your listening habits and use this data to create personalized playlists for you.

Step 3: Earn Points

As you listen to music, you’ll earn points. These points can be used to purchase items from the Spotify store, such as exclusive playlists, discounts, and more. You can also use your points to purchase the Spotify Iceberg in 2023.

Step 4: Purchase the Spotify Iceberg

Once you’ve earned enough points, you can purchase the Spotify Iceberg in 2023. This will give you access to exclusive content, such as exclusive playlists, discounts, and more. You’ll also be able to access the Spotify library and stream music for free.

Step 5: Enjoy Your Spotify Iceberg

Once you’ve purchased the Spotify Iceberg in 2023, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. You’ll be able to access exclusive content, stream music for free, and more. Enjoy your Spotify Iceberg and all the benefits it has to offer!

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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