How to Customise iPhone Always on Display

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

2. Tap on Display & Brightness.

3. Tap on Always On.

4. Tap on the Style option.

5. Select the style you want to use for your Always On display.

6. Tap on the Color option.

7. Select the color you want to use for your Always On display.

8. Tap on the Clock option.

9. Select the clock style you want to use for your Always On display.

10. Tap on the Text option.

11. Select the text you want to display on your Always On display.

12. Tap on the Photos option.

13. Select the photos you want to display on your Always On display.

14. Tap on the Done button to save your changes.

With the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max, Apple finally brought its own implementation of an always on display to iPhone users. However, Apple’s idea of what an iPhone AoD should be was met with a lot of criticism. Well, with iOS 16.2 — which enabled 5G on iPhones in India, iPhone 14 Pro owners can now finally customise their always on display (to some extent). Whether it’s the dimmed down wallpaper that annoys you, or the fact that the AOD looks like your iPhone is never truly in standby mode, here’s how to customise the always on display in iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.

Personalise iPhone Always on Display

In true Apple fashion, there aren’t a ton of options to personalise the iPhone 14 Pro’s AOD. However, the basics are there, and you can get a usable always on display on your iPhone that doesn’t impact battery life way too much. There are a couple of things you can change in the iPhone 14 Pro always on screen, and we’re gonna take a look at both of them.

Note: You will need to update your iPhone to iOS 16.2 in order to get the AOD customisation options to show up.

Hide/Show the Wallpaper in Always on Display

One of the biggest gripes people have with the always on implementation in iOS 16 is the fact that the wallpaper is always showing. This not only impacts the battery life, but can also be distracting for some people, like me. Fortunately, you can now turn off the wallpaper in the iPhone AOD.

  • Go to Settings -> Display and Brightness.
display and brightness settings iphone
  • Scroll down and tap on “Always on Display”. Here, simply tap on the toggle next to “Show Wallpaper” to turn it off.
disable wallpaper in iphone 14 pro

That’s it, the AOD will now be a plain black screen with the time, iPhone lock screen widgets, and your notifications. No more distracting lock screen wallpaper.

How to Customise Always on Display in iPhone 14 Pro

Hide/Show Notifications on the iPhone Always on Display

If you want an even cleaner experience with the iPhone AOD, you can disable notifications in the always on screen as well. Here’s how to do that.

  • Go to Settings -> Display and Brightness.
display and brightness settings iphone
  • Scroll down and tap on “Always on Display”. Here, simply tap on the toggle next to “Show Notifications” to turn it off.
disable notifications in iphone always on display

Your Always on Display will not show any notifications now. So you can have a cleaner, less distracting experience with your iPhone 14 Pro.

Disable Always on Display in iPhone 14 Pro

Obviously, if you don’t like AODs on smartphones, you can turn off iPhone’s always on display as well. We have a dedicated article about enabling/disabling the iPhone 14 Pro AOD which you can read for detailed instructions on how to do this.

Easily Customise the iPhone 14 Pro Always on Display

Well, that’s how you can customise the always on display on your iPhone 14 Pro. Even though there aren’t a lot of customisation options, you can still at least disable the wallpaper and notifications from showing up in the AOD. So, are you going to customise your iPhone’s always on screen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.


How to Customise iPhone Always on Display

The Always on Display feature on the iPhone is a great way to keep important information at your fingertips without having to unlock your phone. You can customize the Always on Display to show the time, date, battery level, and more. Here’s how to customize your iPhone’s Always on Display.

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Open the Settings app on your iPhone. Scroll down and tap on “Display & Brightness.”

Step 2: Enable Always on Display

Tap on “Always on Display” and toggle the switch to the “On” position. This will enable the Always on Display feature on your iPhone.

Step 3: Customize the Always on Display

Tap on “Customize” to customize the Always on Display. You can choose to show the time, date, battery level, and more. You can also choose to show a photo or a message on the Always on Display.

Step 4: Save Your Changes

Once you’ve finished customizing the Always on Display, tap on “Done” to save your changes. Your iPhone’s Always on Display will now show the information you’ve chosen.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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