How to Change Font Size in WordPress

1. Log into your WordPress dashboard.

2. Go to Appearance > Customize.

3. Click on the Typography tab.

4. Select the font size you want to use from the drop-down menu.

5. Click the Save & Publish button to save your changes.

You can also use a plugin like Easy Google Fonts to change the font size of your WordPress site.

Changing the font size on WordPress is easy. You’ll learn everything you need to know in this article. We’ll cover two methods – installing a plugin and using CSS.

WordPress is known for its user-friendly post editing. Just like your favorite word-processing software, it offers many options. You can edit content easily using a drop-down menu to set headings and paragraphs.

Please note that the structure of your content is important for visitors and SEO. Having a good heading structure helps search engines scan the main topics of your posts, especially the long ones. This will help achieve a better ranking in the search engine results pages.

The latest WordPress version comes with the Gutenberg editor. We’ll also show you how to change the font size with this tool.

Changing the Font Size Using the TinyMCE Advanced Plugin

TinyMCE Advanced is a free plugin that lets you choose your preferred font size easily. This plugin provides a classic editor toolbar on the new Gutenberg editor.

First, you need to install and activate the plugin. Then, you can go to the Settings page. You’ll find two tabs: Block Editor (Gutenberg) and Classic Editor (TinyMCE).

If you want to use the classic editor only, enable Replace the Block Editor with the Classic Editor under Advanced Settings. But leave it unticked to use both editors side by side.

Here are the steps to change the font using this plugin:

  1. Go create a new post or edit an existing one. You’ll see a classic paragraph editor.
    Create a New Post with TinyMCE Advanced Plugin Installed
  2. Highlight the lines of text you want to change, then choose the font size.
    Highlighting the Text Before Changing the Font Sizes
  3. The result will look like this:
    How the Result Looks Like After the Changes

Using CSS – The Classic Way

While the above method is great for a beginner, the classic way requires CSS and might be a little bit more tricky.

However, when using a plugin or the default WordPress editor, you need to do the change for every posts and page. Using CSS changes the font size for the whole site.

Changing the font size using CSS requires adding lines of codes. You can do this via the editor or Customiser. But, we recommend the customizer as it is the easier method.

  1. Go to the WordPress dashboard, then to Appearance > Customise.
    Choosing the Customise Menu in WordPress
  2. Choose Additional CSS on WordPress.
    Choosing the Additional CSS Menu in WordPress

You can add lines of code on the left-hand side box.

  1. To change the entire font: body { font-size: 1.25rem; }
    Changing the Entire Font SIze Using Additional CSS
  2. To change the paragraphs’ font: p { font-size: 25px; }
    Changing Paragraph Font Size Using Additional CSS
  3. To change specific headings’ fonts: h2 { font-size: 2.5em; }
    Changing Heading Font Size Using Additional CSS
  4. To modify sidebar font size: .sidebar li { font-size: 12px; }
  5. To customize footer font: .footer { font-size: 150%; }
  6. To change specific screen sizes’ font: html { font-size: 18px; } @media (min-width: 900px) { html { font-size: 20px; } }

CSS stylings allow four different units to measure the size of the text:

  • Em (em). This is a unit used in web media documents. 1em is equal to 12 points.
  • Pixels (px). This is a unit used in screen media. 1px is equal to 1 dot on a computer screen.
  • Points (pt). This unit is for traditional printed media. 1 point is equal to 1/72 of an inch.
  • Percent (%). The default is 100% which will change after zooming in or out.

Using the Gutenberg Editor

As mentioned earlier, Gutenberg is a new WordPress addition. It is integrated within the CMS to make editing work for media-rich posts easier.

A noticeable change is the use of blocks. Blocks let you drag and drop any media files into your posts – like any other page builder platform.

How the Gutenberg Editor's Blocks Look Like

Here is what a block looks like:

To change font sizes using the Gutenberg editor, follow these easy steps:

  1. Choose the post you want to edit, or Add New.
  2. Click on the block containing texts you want to change, then select the number manually.
    How to Change Font Size in WordPress Using Manual Input
  3. Or, you can set the options on the right-hand side: small, normal, medium, large, and huge.
    How to Change Font Size in WordPress Using Default Options

Very handy, isn’t it?


WordPress offers great options for customization, including font size adjustment. A perfect font size makes your content more engaging and more comfortable to consume. These adjustments are incredibly easy to make.

Beginners can install a plugin, while users with some CSS knowledge can tweak the themes manually. Happy customizing.

How to Change Font Size in WordPress FAQ

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about how to change font size in WordPress.

Can I Change the Font Size for Specific Pages or Posts in WordPress?

Yes, you can change the font size for specific pages or posts in WordPress by using page builders or by adding custom CSS code.

Is It Possible to Change the Font Size for Mobile Devices in WordPress?

It is possible to change the font size for mobile devices in WordPress by using responsive design techniques and media queries in your CSS.

What Is the Default Font Size in WordPress?

The default font size in WordPress depends on the theme you are using. It is usually set to 16 pixels, but it can vary. You can check the default font size by inspecting the code or by using a browser’s developer tools.


How to Change Font Size in WordPress

WordPress is a powerful content management system that allows you to customize your website in a variety of ways. One of the most common customization tasks is changing the font size of your content. Whether you want to make your text larger or smaller, WordPress makes it easy to do so.

Using the WordPress Editor

The easiest way to change the font size of your content is to use the WordPress editor. When you are editing a post or page, you will see a toolbar at the top of the editor. This toolbar contains a drop-down menu labeled “Paragraph”. Click on this menu and you will see a list of font sizes ranging from 8pt to 36pt.

Simply select the font size you want and the text in your post or page will be updated accordingly. You can also use the “Paragraph” drop-down menu to change the font style, such as bold, italic, or underline.

Using HTML Tags

If you are comfortable with HTML, you can also use HTML tags to change the font size of your content. To do this, you will need to switch to the “Text” tab in the WordPress editor. This will show you the HTML code for your post or page.

To change the font size, you will need to add a “style” attribute to the HTML tag for the text you want to change. For example, if you want to make the text larger, you would add the following code:

<p style="font-size: 20px;">Your text here</p>

You can also use the “style” attribute to change the font style, such as bold, italic, or underline. For example, to make the text bold, you would add the following code:

<p style="font-weight: bold;">Your text here</p>

Using a Plugin

If you don’t want to mess with HTML code, you can also use a plugin to change the font size of your content. There are a number of plugins available that allow you to easily change the font size of your content without having to write any code. Simply install the plugin, activate it, and then use the settings page to adjust the font size of your content.


Changing the font size of your content is a simple task in WordPress. You can use the WordPress editor, HTML tags, or a plugin to easily adjust the font size of your content. No matter which method you choose, you can quickly and easily customize the font size of your content.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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