How to Cancel Curology Subscription


How to Cancel Curology Subscription

Curology is a teledermatology company that offers skin care solutions and products. Curology offers its service from its online website, where any user wanting to avail skin treatment from home can sign up on it and talk to expert dermatologists and get the treatment from home. For new users, Curology offers a free trial period. After the end of the free trial, you have to take a subscription plan. A free trial period is to test whether the Curology treatment and products work for you. If it works, you can continue with the subscription, and if it doesn’t, you can cancel Curology and get refund anytime from the Curology account or by contacting customer support. If you want to learn how to cancel Curology subscription and whether does Curology automatically renew after free trial, this article will guide you to help you with that.

How to Cancel Curology Subscription

How to Cancel Curology Subscription

Keep reading further to find the steps explaining how to cancel Curology subscription in detail with useful illustrations for better understanding.

Does Curology Automatically Renew After Free Trial?

Yes, Curology automatically renews after a free trial. When you create an account on Curology, you are asked to add a credit or debit card for purchases on Curology. As your free trial period ends, you will be automatically charged the subscription cost from your added card. After the cancellation of a subscription, this cost is fully refundable only within 90 days of account creation. Curology will automatically keep renewing the subscription amount until you cancel the subscription. Now you know does Curology automatically renew after free trial.

Can I Cancel Curology Subscription?

Yes, you can cancel Curology subscription. A Curology subscription can be canceled anytime by visiting your Curology account online or by contacting the Curology support team. For a new user, a Curology subscription is free for 30 days, and after the end of the subscription, they are charged monthly or bi-monthly subscription charges. If you cancel your Curology subscription within 90 days of your account creation, you will get a full refund of your subscription. And if you cancel your subscription after 90 days, you won’t get a refund. Instead, your subscription plan will be live until its duration ends, and the next time you won’t be charged any fee.

Will Curology Refund Me If I Cancel My Subscription?

Yes, Curology will refund you if you cancel your subscription. On subscription cancellation, only the subscription charges will be refunded and not the cost of the purchased products. If you are the user who cancels their subscription within 90 days of account creation, only then you will get a full refund on canceling a subscription. After the end of 90 days period, you will not get any refunds on subscription cancellation. But your subscription will still be on until its duration gets over.

Also Read: How to Refund on Venmo

Am I Able to Cancel My Curology Subscription and Still Get My Free Trial?

Yes, you can cancel your Curology subscription and still get your free trial. During the period of the free trial, if you order a product from Curology, you cannot return it. And if you cancel the order, you will get a full refund of your order. Curology offers a 30-day free trial to their new users. After the end of the free trial, a full subscription is charged, which can be canceled anytime. During the 30-day free trial, you can use the Curology services for absolutely free except for purchasing products.

How Much is Curology a Month?

Curology is $19.95 per month. As your free trial ends, the initial cost of $19.95 is charged every month on the purchase of products. You can select, based on your preference, the monthly or every 2-month plan. The subscription fee will be charged when you purchase the products from Curology. The subscription fee is a one-time fee based on your subscription plan; it will be charged monthly or after every two months.

How Much is Curology after the Free Month Trial?

After the end of the free trial, Curology ships and bills products every two months based on the type of skin treatment you are taking. The subscription cost of Curology is $19.95/shipment (monthly) and $39.90/shipment (every two months). This subscription fee will be charged at the time of your product purchases. You can add and remove products from your cart, and on all shipments, the shipping is completely free.

How to Cancel Curology Subscription?

To know how to cancel Curology subscription online, follow the below-mentioned steps:

1. Visit the Curology website on your desired browser.

2. Click on the LOG IN option from the top right corner of the website.

Click on the LOG IN option at the top right of the website.

3. Enter your login email address and click on the LOG IN option.

Enter your login email address and click on the LOG IN button. | How to Cancel Curology Subscription

4. Enter your password and click on the LOG IN option to log into your Curology account.

Enter your password then click on the LOG IN button to log into your curology account.

5. Click on the Profile icon > Payment option.

Click on the Profile icon - Payment option

6. Then, click on the I WANT TO CANCEL option.

click on the I WANT TO CANCEL option

7. Select the desired reason for cancellation to continue to cancel Curology subscription.

8. Click on the CONTINUE TO CANCEL option every time you are asked to confirm.

9. Lastly, click on CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION.

click on CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION | How to Cancel Curology Subscription

Also Read: How to Cancel Grammarly Subscription

How to Cancel Curology and Get Refund?

In order to cancel Curology and get a refund, follow the methods mentioned below:

Method 1: From Curology Account

Note: If the user created an account within 90 days, you will get a full refund of the subscription and all the canceled orders.

You can read and follow the steps mentioned above to cancel your Curology account. After getting a refund your account will be deleted after 30 days.

Method 2: Contact Curology Support

You can compose a request email to Curology support at [email protected] and request for the Curology account subscription cancellation. Write the reason for cancellation and request a refund for your subscription and all the canceled orders. After a few days, your subscription will be canceled and you will get a refund.


So, we hope you have understood how to cancel Curology subscription with the detailed steps to your aid. You can let us know any queries or suggestions about any other topic you want us to make an article on. Drop them in the comments section below for us to know.


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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