How to Add List in Trello

1. Log into your Trello account and open the board you want to add a list to.

2. Click the “Add a List” button at the top of the board.

3. Enter a name for the list and click “Add List”.

4. You can now add cards to the list by clicking the “Add a Card” button.

5. You can also add members to the list by clicking the “Members” button.

6. When you’re done, click the “Save” button to save your changes.

How to Add List in Trello

Trello is a project management tool that helps you organize and prioritize your projects and tasks. It is built around a simple, visual board where you can create tasks, assign them to team members, and track progress in real-time. However, if you are new to using Trello and are wanting to add list in Trello. We will show you how to add list in Trello. Trello has a variety of features, including the ability to add attachments, and integrate with other apps but Can you label a list in Trello? Well, we will find out about that too so, continue reading the article.

How to Add List in Trello

How to Add List in Trello

Here, you will get to know about the steps to about how to add and edit list in Trello and many more in detail.

Can you Label a List in Trello?

Yes, you can label a list in Trello. Labels are a way to organize cards in a list and can be used to quickly identify cards. Labels can be created and customized with different colors and names. If you want to label your list in Trello you can follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Open the board with the list you want to add a label to.

Open the board with the list you want to add a label to

2. Move your mouse pointer over the list title until a pencil icon appears.

Move your mouse pointer over the list title until a pencil icon appears

3. Open the List Actions menu by clicking on the pencil icon.

Open the List Actions menu by clicking on the pencil icon. How to Add List in Trello

4. Click on Edit Labels, where you will get a variety of colors to choose from.

Click on Edit Labels. How to Add List in Trello

5. Click Save for the changes to take place.

Keep reading further to learn how to add list in Trello.

How to Remove Label in Trello

So, if you change your mind and no longer need the labels, you can remove them as well. If the labels no longer apply to the list, they can be removed to keep the list organized and up-to-date. Let us see how you can do it.

1. Open the respective board, that contains the label.

Open the respective board that contains the label

2. Click on the pencil icon.

Click on the pencil icon. How to Add List in Trello

3. Click on Edit labels menu.

Click on Edit labels menu

4. Click on the box to remove labels.

Click on the box to remove labels

5. Click on Save.

Click on Save. How to Add List in Trello

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Steps to Add List in Trello

To give an orderly method of tracking tasks, lists can be added to Trello. You can prioritize tasks and divide them into more manageable portions by using lists to group tasks into discrete categories. Trello also gives you the option to label lists with various names and colors as we have seen in the previous topic, making it simpler to track progress and instantly identify tracks. Now, let us see how to add list in Trello. So, abide by the steps mentioned below:

1. Visit the Trello site.

Visit the Trello web

2. Log in to your account.

Log in to your account. How to Add List in Trello

3. Head over to the board you want to manage.

4. Click the Add another list button on the board’s right side.

Click the Add another list button

5. After giving the list a name, click the Add list button to confirm your choice.

click the Add list button to confirm your choice. How to Add List in Trello

How to Edit List in Trello

You can keep your board updated and structured by learning how to edit list in Trello. Changing a list’s title, description, and labels, adding members, and setting due dates for the list’s cards are all possible while editing a list. You can rapidly identify tasks, monitor progress, filter and search for cards, as well as organize cards in a list, all by editing one. To edit list in Trello,

1. To edit a list, access Your boards.

To edit a list access your boards

2. When a pencil icon appears in the top-right corner of the list title box, move your mouse pointer over the list title.

move your mouse pointer over the list title. How to Add List in Trello

3. To access the List Actions option, click the pencil icon.

click the pencil icon

4. Now, make changes from the list accordingly.

5. After making your modifications, click Save.

click Save

Also Read: How to Link Trello Cards Across Boards

How to Create a Board in Trello

To organize projects and monitor progress, create a board on Trello. You may work in real-time with others while creating lists and cards, assigning tasks to team members, adding labels, and setting due dates on boards. Furthermore, Trello provides strong automation and connection options that let you automate processes and link your Trello boards to other programs. You can efficiently and effectively manage projects with Trello by organizing tasks and keeping track of progress. Here’s how you can create a Board in Trello:

1. First create your account on Trello.

2. Next, log in to your account.

Next, log in to your account

3. On the Home page, above Workspace visible, click on Create.

click on Create

4. After clicking on create, you will get an image like this as shown below.

create board. How to Add List in Trello

5. Give a title under Board Title.

Give a title under Board Title. How to Add List in Trello

6. Under Visibility choose the option according to your preference.

Under visibility choose the option according to your preference

7. Now click create and you are all done.

click create and you are all done

8. Now, go to your dashboard and start listings your tasks.

go to your dashboard and start listings your tasks

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Is there a list view in Trello?

Ans. Yes, there is a list view in Trello. Additionally, you can click on any card to view its details, including its description and any comments or attachments associated with it.

Q2. What are list layouts for Trello?

Ans. List layouts in Trello are a way to organize your cards and boards more efficiently. List layouts can be customized for each board, and can be adjusted to suit the specific needs of any project.

Q3. Can anyone edit Trello?

Ans. Yes, anyone with access to a Trello board can edit it. By default, all users who are invited to a board are given editing privileges, allowing them to add or delete cards, lists, labels, and attachments, as well as move cards between lists.

Q4. Is Trello best to-do list?

Ans. Trello may serve as a to-do list, and many people consider it to be an excellent tool for handling chores and projects.

Q5. Can you change the Color of lists in Trello?

Ans. Yes, you can change the color of lists in Trello. Additionally, you can also change the color of individual cards by clicking on the card and selecting the Colors option from the menu that appears.


It’s simple and efficient to keep your tasks organized and your workflow efficient by adding lists to your Trello board. We hope that we were able to help you understand how to add list in Trello. If you have any questions about it, do let us know in the comments area.


How to Add List in Trello

Trello is a great tool for organizing projects and tasks. It allows you to create boards, lists, and cards to keep track of everything you need to do. One of the most important features of Trello is the ability to add lists. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Log in to Trello

The first step is to log in to your Trello account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to access all of your boards and lists.

Step 2: Select a Board

Once you’re logged in, you’ll need to select the board you want to add a list to. To do this, click on the board’s name in the left-hand sidebar.

Step 3: Create a List

Once you’ve selected the board, click the “Add List” button at the top of the page. This will open a window where you can enter the name of the list you want to create.

Step 4: Add Cards to the List

Once you’ve created the list, you can start adding cards to it. To do this, click the “Add Card” button at the top of the list. This will open a window where you can enter the title and description of the card.

Step 5: Organize Your Lists

Once you’ve added all of your cards, you can start organizing them into lists. To do this, click and drag the cards to the list you want them to be in. You can also drag and drop cards between lists to reorganize them.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Organized Trello Board

Once you’ve added all of your lists and cards, you can start using your Trello board to organize your projects and tasks. Enjoy!

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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