Playing games on PS4 is fun, especially if you are a game lover. I know many of you must be game lovers. Imagine you are in the mood to play a game and have decided to renew the subscription but the payment fails. This has happened to me many times, and I know how frustrating this can be. So, if this is also causing trouble for you, read this article to know how to fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4 and WS 43691 3.
How to Fix WS-43709-3 Error Code on PS4
WS 43709 3 error code on PS4 occurs when the credit card you use for payment is expired or you have used the invalid payment option. On the other hand, WS 43691 happens when you renew your PS Plus subscription or download games. Finally, WS-118720-9 error code on PS4 occurs when there is a connection problem with the PSN server. If you are facing any of the three errors and want to know the fixes, then you are at the right place. So, keep reading to learn about the fixes.
Common Methods to Fix WS 437093, WS 118720, WS 436913
Here are a few basic common methods to solve these error codes like WS-118720-9 error on PSN that might help you cut the chase shortly.
Method 1: Wait for PSN Server Uptime
Before you take any drastic step, it is advisable to check the PSN server status. If the server is down, we request you to wait for some time. On the other hand, if all the services are up and running, you can proceed to other methods to fix the error.
Method 2: Restart PS4
Let us look at the steps that will guide you on how to restart PS4:
1. Turn on your PS4.
2. Now, choose the power icon on the home screen.
3. From here, select the Restart PS4 option.
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Method 3: Change DNS Settings
Another effective method that we have provided here is to change DNS settings. The steps to perform it are listed below. So, keep reading to learn how to perform it on PS4.
1. First, select Settings on your PS4.
2. Next, go to Network from the menu.
3. After that, select Set Up Internet Connection.
4. Here, select Use Wi-Fi.
5. After that, choose the Custom option.
6. Select, Automatic for IP Address and choose Do Not Specify for DHCP Host Name.
7. For DNS Settings select Manual.
8. Now, enter for Primary DNS and for Secondary DNS.
9. Here, set the MTU settings value to 1456.
10. Finally, select Do Not Use for Proxy Server.
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Method 4: Update Console
If fixing internet issues has not helped in resolving the error, then try this method. As you can face the error because of temporary glitches or any bugs. So, update the PS4 by following the steps listed below:
1. Turn on your PS4.
2. After that, select the Settings option on the home screen.
3. Now, select the System Software Update option.
4. Follow the instructions provided on the screen and wait till it gets installed.
Method 5: Report the Problem
You can report the problem to the official page that is PlayStation Support. Tell all the issues that you are facing, along with the screenshot. It will help the assistant to help you out quickly. As a result, you will be able to fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4 will get fixed.
Here are some specific methods that will fix this WS 43709 3 error. Perform these methods to resolve the issue:
Method 1: Register Valid Credit Card
If the card you use has passed its expiry date, you need to register a valid credit card. If you have a valid credit card, then register that card. Otherwise, get a new credit card and, after that, register a valid credit card using the steps mentioned below:
1. Select Settings.
2. Now, select Account Management.
3. Here, choose Account Information.
4. Select Wallet.
5. Choose Payment Methods.
6. Select Add a Credit/Debit Card under Payment Methods.
7. Now, enter the card details.
Method 2: Enter Correct Registration Information
Another method to fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4 is to enter the correct details. So, in case the information you have entered is incorrect edit the card details.
1. Repeat steps 1-4 from the previous method.
2. Under Wallets, select Payment Methods.
3. Now, Enter your Password.
4. After that, select Edit Card Information.
5. Now, enter the correct details.
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Method 3: Add Another Payment Method
You can try another payment method to fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4. To perform this method, follow the steps listed below:
1. First, choose Settings.
2. Now, select Account Management under Settings.
3. Choose Account Information.
4. Here, select Wallet.
5. Choose Payment Methods.
6. Now, navigate to Add a PayPal Account.
7. Enter payment information.
Method 4: Re-register Credit Card
Try this method if the above methods cannot fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4. Here are the steps that you need to perform to re-register a credit card:
1. Click on Settings.
2. Now, choose Account Management.
3. After that, select Account Information.
4. Select the Wallet.
5. Here, select Payment Methods.
6. Now, select the card which you want to delete.
7. Select Delete.
8. Finally, select Yes.
9. Now, repeat the steps from 1 to 5.
10. Select Add a Credit/Debit card.
11. After that, enter the details and proceed as per the instructions provided on the screen.
Method 5: Restore Licenses
You may also face the issue if you have switched from the old PlayStation to a new one. Follow the steps listed below to fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4:
1. Click on Settings.
2. Now, move to Account Management.
3. After that, select Restore Licenses.
4. Select Restore.
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How to Fix WS 43691 3 Error Code on PS4
Errors will pop up when you use any technology. But solutions are also there so keep reading to learn about the methods to fix WS 43691 3 error.
Method 1: Re-login
Want to learn how to re-login? The following steps will guide you on how to re-login PS4.
1. First, navigate to Settings on the home screen.
2. Now, select Account Management.
3. After that, select Sign Out using the controller.
4. Now, log in.
Method 2: Restore License
To restore license, all you have to do is follow the steps mentioned earlier in the article.
Read the next section to solve WS-118720-9 error on PS4 console.
Also Read: Fix PS4 Error CE-34788-0
How to Fix WS-118720-9 Error Code on PS4
WS-118720-9 error shows a connection problem with the PSN server. If the above-mentioned common methods could not resolve the issue, then try these two methods:
Method 1: Re-login
It is one of the easiest methods to fix WS-118720-9 error. You must be knowing how to re-login. To re-login you will have to sign out first and then log in by entering the details. If you want to learn how to perform it then read this method mentioned under the common methods for all the errors in the above article.
Method 2: Reset PS4
We suggest you to perform this method only if the above methods have failed for you. Let us look at the steps that will guide you on how to reset your PS4 console:
Note: If you perform this method then all the saved storage data will get deleted. So, create a backup before you perform this method.
1. Select Settings.
2. Next, choose Initialization.
3. Select Initialize PS4.
4. Select Full under select how you want to initialize the PS4.
5. Now, choose the Initialize option.
6. Select Yes to start the initialization process.
Hence, these are the ways to solve WS-118720-9 error on Play Station 4 console.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is my PS4 not accepting my credit card?
Ans. Your credit or debit card may not be able to be linked if it is registered to an address in a different nation than the region where your PlayStation Store is located.
Q2. Why PlayStation is not accepting my debit card?
Ans. You may face this issue if your card is disabled for international transactions.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to fix WS 43709 3 error code on PS4 and also other errors like WS-118720-9 error. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them in the comment section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.