Do You Support WordPress Multisite?


We support WordPress multisite installations on our Pro and higher plans. If you’re currently on our Starter plan, you’ll need to upgrade in order to utilize multisite.

We don’t allow multisite on our Starter plan because these types of sites are generally more resource-intensive and require additional support. All subsites in a multisite network share the same WordPress database and installation, which means one install could consist of dozens of sites.

As setting up multisite correctly is complicated and requires special attention, you should anticipate working with a qualified WordPress developer if you wish to switch an established site from single-site mode to multisite mode.

If you opt for a subdirectory multisite after creating a subdomain multisite, a rule will need to be added by the Kinsta support team for it to work properly.

Make sure to also check out our post on an introduction to WordPress multisite, and learn about some of the pros and cons of this setup. In some instances, you might be better off managing them with a third-party tool and keeping the sites completely isolated. You can also learn more about how multisite works by reading our WordPress Staging Environment Guide.

Save time, costs and maximize site performance with:

  • Instant help from WordPress hosting experts, 24/7.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise integration.
  • Global audience reach with 34 data centers worldwide.
  • Optimization with our built-in Application Performance Monitoring.

All of that and much more, in one plan with no long-term contracts, assisted migrations, and a 30-day-money-back-guarantee. Check out our plans or talk to sales to find the plan that’s right for you.


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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Jassweb always keeps its services up-to-date with the latest trends in the market, providing its customers all over the world with high-end and easily extensible internet, intranet, and extranet products.

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