Create amazing forms using the Elementor Form Widget


The Elementor Form Widget is a powerful tool for creating amazing forms for your website. With this widget, you can easily create forms with a variety of fields, including text boxes, drop-down menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. You can also customize the look and feel of your forms with a variety of styling options. With the Elementor Form Widget, you can quickly and easily create forms that are both visually appealing and functional.

Create Amazing Forms Using the Elementor Form Widget

The Elementor Form Widget is a powerful tool for creating amazing forms for your website. With this widget, you can easily create forms that are both visually appealing and functional. You can customize the look and feel of your forms, add custom fields, and even integrate with third-party services like MailChimp and Google Analytics.

The Elementor Form Widget is easy to use and comes with a variety of features. You can create forms with multiple fields, including text boxes, drop-down menus, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more. You can also add custom fields to your forms, such as a file upload field or a captcha field. You can also customize the look and feel of your forms with custom CSS.

The Elementor Form Widget also allows you to integrate with third-party services. You can easily connect your forms to MailChimp, Google Analytics, and other services. This allows you to track the performance of your forms and gain valuable insights into how your users are interacting with them.

Creating amazing forms with the Elementor Form Widget is easy and straightforward. You can quickly create forms that are both visually appealing and functional. With the ability to customize the look and feel of your forms, add custom fields, and integrate with third-party services, the Elementor Form Widget is a powerful tool for creating amazing forms for your website.

Create amazing forms using the Elementor Form Widget


Contact forms are an essential part of online business. It works as a bridge to connect the buyer and the seller. Contact forms are equally beneficial for an online eCommerce store or even for your blog. What possible benefits can you get using contact forms? In this article, we are going to discuss those benefits.

How to Boost Your Business/Website Using Contact Forms?

1. Improve Your Mistakes Using Readers’ Reviews

Once you install the contact form on your website, visitors will start communicating with you using the contact form. They can point out your mistakes, give new ideas, or give their feedback about the features of your products. It’s an easy way to find out what specifically people are looking for in your product.

2. Secure Your Email by Filtering Spam

If you have installed contact form on your website, you need not put email id elsewhere. In this way, spammers cannot find your email address to attack.

3.Multipurpose Contact Form

Contact forms can be used in several ways; it can be used for feedback, business proposals support request, or sales requests.

4.Improve Your Conversion Rate

When the customer contacts you through contact forms, most likely will convert after effective communications. So, there are high chances to improve your conversion rates.

Elementor is by far one of the most popular page builder plugins available for WordPress. It comes with a Forms Widget element that allows you to easily create different types of forms for your blog or website.

Here’s a look at some of the pros and cons of using Elementor Forms Widget to give an idea of what it has to offer:

Pros: Main Features

  • Tons of powerful options to help you customize the layout, spacing, and structure of your forms.
  • Get full design control to stylize your form elements with different colors and typography to match your brand and overall site aesthetics.
  • Over 10+ field including names, email, phone number, date, time, password field, and much more. This allows you to easily collect different type of data from your readers/visitors.
  • Dedicated space to store and manage all form submission data. Option to edit, delete, and filter through the data and even export them.
  • Support for multi-step forms. Divide a long form into multiple segments so the users doesn’t get overwhelmed.
  • Integrate your contact form with more than 30+ powerful marketing automation services.


  • Customer support is slow to respond.
  • You may find difficulty after updating the latest version, so keep a backup of your site before updating the plugin each time.
  • Not available with Elementor Free version. You need to get the Pro version to access the forms widgets.

Elementor Forms Widget Pricing

The Elementor contact form widget comes with the Elementor Pro version, and you’ll have to buy the whole bundle for your site. The single site license comes with 90+ pro widgets along with a contact form widget for $49/ year.

Now that you have a basic idea of what the Elementor Form Widget has to offer, let’s go over a quick step-by-step walkthrough on using it to create a contact form for your website.

Step 1: Add the Elementor Contact Widget to Your Page

Head on over to the Page where you want to place the Contact form. It can either be your Homepage, About Us, or a dedicated contact page for that matter.

Once you have selected the Page, click on the Edit with Elementor on the top toolbar to toggle Elementor page builder.

This is going to bring up the Elementor builder with a list of all the Elementor widgets on the lefthand sidebar.

Now drag the Elementor form widget onto the page, and here is how it will look like on your Page.

Step 2: How to Create the Form Fields

The basic form consists of some primary fields; such as

But you can create many other custom fields as well to narrow down the customers qualifying questions. It will also help you to enlist the customer’s credentials according to this budget.

So to add custom fields, click on the “Add Item.” 

After opening the add new item, your contact form will look like this.

There is a huge list of types of fields that you can use. Some of them are as follows

  • Text.
  • Email
  • Text area.
  • URL.
  • Tel.
  • Radio.
  • Select.
  • Checkbox.

After the type of field, there is another field, “Label.” The label option is visible on the top of the field type, so select it wisely.

The next field is “placeholder.” The placeholder is the texts which will appear in the field before the user insert any information in the field.

The Required setting is enabled when a user failed to submit any required fields. It won’t allow the user to submit the form until the specified fields are filled.

The last option is column width; you can align the fields selecting the custom column width.

Advanced Tab settings

The default value is submitted when no other value is submitted. The field’s ID is stored for the field’s data. The shortcode can be used to insert the field anywhere.

Step 3: Stylize your Contact Form as Per Your Brand’s Theme

 You can use a custom styling option to change the appearance of the form as per your brand’s look. In the editor, you can style form, field, Button, and messages. You’ll have a wide range of options to stylize your contact form ranging from spacing, padding, colors, size of fields, labels, inputs, and buttons.

(Optional)Step 4: Set up the Form Submission Options

When you click on Email, you’ll see a lot of options for Email action. If you don’t like to re-fill the contact, you can simply go with pre-filled ones.  Here is a brief detail of how the submission form will work.

To. You can send Emails to a single recipient or multiple recipients at a time.  Put in the email address where you want to submit the form.

Subject: mention the subject of the Email sent to the client

Message: you can add details of fields to be sent from your form. Or you can use the shortcodes

From Email:   this is the Email that you will use get the submitted forms

From Name: choose a name that you like to submit along with the Email.

Reply to: by default, this is the id of the website’s admin, and you can change it whenever you like.

CC: send emails to multiple email addresses using CC

BCC: same function as that of CC you can use Bcc to send emails to multiple recipients.

Once you are done with field editing, then hit the send button to submit the form. You can choose to send it as a plain text or HTML.

(Optional)Step 5: Setting up Custom Messages Setting in Contact Form

You can set up custom messages as per customers’ actions. Once a customer fills out the form, they will instantly receive personalized messages based on their action. In this way, you’ll have a more direct and personalized approach with your customer.

To enable a custom messaging, click on “Additional Options” and then enable “Custom Messaging” to “Yes.”

You can see different fields; such as success messages will appear once the customer has successfully submitted the form. An error message will appear if the customer failed to submit the form, and the same way the required message will appear when the required fields are not filled in, and the form is submitted.

Final Step: Publish your Contact Form

Once you are done with all the setup procedures and styling of your contact form, it’s time to publish your form to the world. Just click on the update button, and your contact form will be visible on your Page.

Bottom Line

It’s super easy to create a contact form using the Elementor pro widget. It comes with easy drag’n drop contact form builder and highly customizable options that stand out from other contact form plugins in the market. You can use easily change its styling and color scheme according to your brand. Also, you will get many other beautiful widgets, more than 300+ pro templates, and pop up builder all-in-one pack. It is a full-featured WordPress page builder equipped with all necessary widgets and features, so; you don’t need to buy any other page builder to customize your website. Moreover, it allows integration with more than 30+ marketing services; that’s why it is one of the hottest selling plugins in the market.

So, it’s your turn now, which contact form plugin suits you best? Do mention in the comment section.


Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Passionate Professional Blogger, Freelancer, WordPress Enthusiast, Digital Marketer, Web Developer, Server Operator, Networking Expert. Empowering online presence with diverse skills.

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Jassweb always keeps its services up-to-date with the latest trends in the market, providing its customers all over the world with high-end and easily extensible internet, intranet, and extranet products.


Jassweb, Rai Chak, Punjab, India. 143518
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