Convert JSON String to JSON Object JavaScript


Using the javascript JSON.parse() function, you can convert a JSON string into a JSON object. In this tutorial, we will show you multiple approaches to convert JSON string to a JSON object in js.

And lets you work with JSON in js, You can also manipulate JSON in different ways like Convert Array to JSON Object, Convert JSON Object to Object String.

How to Convert JSON String to JSON Object in JavaScript

It is a very simple answer, you can use the javascript JSON.parse() function to convert JSON strings into JSON objects.


It is a built-in js method called JSON.parse() that helps you to convert a JSON-formatted string into a json object in js. Here are a few approaches to convert JSON string to JSON object by using json.parse(); are as follows:

Approach 1 – javascript JSON string to JSON object

Here is an example of how to use the JSON.parse() function to convert a JSON string into a JSON object in js:

var myStrObj = '{"name":"Developer","age":25,"favoriteColor":"Black","today":"2019-12-09T13:37:17.307Z"}';
var myJsonObj = JSON.parse(myStrObj);

Approach 2 – Converting JSON text to JavaScript Object

If you want to extract the object value from the JSON object in javascript. Here is an example of how to use the JSON.parse() method to extract a JSON value from JavaScript object:

var myStrObj = '{"name":"Developer","age":25,"favoriteColor":"Black","today":"2019-12-09T13:37:17.307Z"}';
var name = JSON.parse(;
document.write('Result of the above code is:-' + name);

Result of the above code is:-Name:-Developer


Approach 3 – Parse JSON Object & Extract Multiple Objects JavaScript

Here is an example of how to use the JSON.parse() method to extract multiple objects:


var myStrObj = '{"name":"Developer","age":25,"favoriteColor":"Black","today":"2019-12-09T13:37:17.307Z"}';
var myJsonObj = JSON.parse(myStrObj);
document.write('Result of the above code is:-' + 'Name:-'+ + ' Age:-'+ myJsonObj.age);

Result of the above code is:-Name:-Developer Age:-25


That’s it! You’ve successfully converted a JSON string to a JSON object using the JSON.parse() function in js.

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Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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