Codeigniter 4 Connect to Remote MySQL Database

CodeIgniter 4 can connect to a remote MySQL database using the following steps:

1. Open the .env file in the root directory of your CodeIgniter 4 project.

2. Add the following lines to the .env file:

database.default.hostname = [hostname]
database.default.database = [database_name]
database.default.username = [username]
database.default.password = [password]
database.default.port = [port]

3. Replace the [hostname], [database_name], [username], [password] and [port] with the appropriate values for your remote MySQL database.

4. Save the .env file.

5. Open the app/Config/Database.php file.

6. Find the following line:

$db[‘default’] = [

7. Replace it with the following line:

$db[‘default’] = [
‘DSN’ => ”,
‘hostname’ => env(‘database.default.hostname’, ”),
‘database’ => env(‘database.default.database’, ”),
‘username’ => env(‘database.default.username’, ”),
‘password’ => env(‘database.default.password’, ”),
‘port’ => env(‘database.default.port’, ”),

8. Save the Database.php file.

9. You can now connect to the remote MySQL database using the CodeIgniter 4 database library.

Connect remote MySQL database in CodeIgniter 4; Throughout this tutorial, you will learn how to connect remote MySQL database in Codeigniter 4 projects.

How to Connect Remote Mysql Database in CodeIgniter 4

Steps to connect MySQL database remotely in Codeigniter 4 projects:

  • Step 1: Set up the remote MySQL database
  • Step 2: Install and Setup CodeIgniter 4
  • Step 3: Configure Remote Mysql Database Settings
  • Step 4: Create a Model for Remote Database Connection
  • Step 5: Test the Remote MySQL Database Connection
  • Step 6: Open web browser and the test page

Step 1: Set up the remote MySQL database

Make sure you have a remote MySQL database server with the required credentials (host, username, password, and database name). Get this information from your hosting provider or system administrator.

Step 2: Install and Setup CodeIgniter 4

Next, Install and setup CodeIgniter 4 by following the installation guide:

Install / Download Codeigniter 4 By Manual, Composer, Git.

Step 3: Configure Remote Mysql Database Settings

Now, visit your codeigniter 4 project root directory and open the .env file located. Then update the following environment variables with your remote MySQL database details:

  • database.default.hostname: Enter the hostname or IP address of your remote MySQL server.
  • database.default.username: Provide the username for connecting to the remote database.
  • database.default.password: Enter the password associated with the given username.
  • database.default.database: Specify the name of the database you want to connect to.

Step 4: Create a Model for Remote Database Connection

Now, you need to create model file, so visit app/Models directory. Then Create a new model or use an existing one in the app/Models directory.

Open the model file and extend the CodeIgniter\Model class. So, Override the protected $DBGroup property with the name of your database group defined in the .env file. By default, it is 'default'.


namespace App\Models;

use CodeIgniter\Model;

class DatabaseModel extends Model
    protected $DBGroup = 'default';

Step 5: Test the Remote MySQL Database Connection

Now, you need to create controller file to test remote database connection. So, Create a new controller or open an existing one in the app/Controllers directory. And Import your database model at the top of the file:

use App\Models\DatabaseModel;

Define a function that will test the database connection, like this:

public function testDatabaseConnection()
    $databaseModel = new DatabaseModel();
    $db = $databaseModel->db;
    if ($db->connect()) {
        echo "Database connected successfully!";
    } else {
        echo "Failed to connect to the database.";

Step 6: Open web browser and the test page

In your browser, navigate to

If the connection is successful, you will get a “Database connected successfully!” message will appear.


That’s it! You have successfully learned how to connect to a remote MySQL database in CodeIgniter 4 projects.

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Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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