Getting started with Proxmox on Raspberry Pi (Virtualization server)

Proxmox is a powerful virtualization server that can be used to create and manage virtual machines on a Raspberry Pi. It is an open source project that is designed to be easy to use and provides a wide range of features. Proxmox can be used to create virtual machines, manage storage, and provide networking services.

The first step to getting started with Proxmox on a Raspberry Pi is to install the Proxmox software. This can be done by downloading the Proxmox ISO image from the Proxmox website and burning it to a USB drive. Once the ISO image is burned, it can be inserted into the Raspberry Pi and the Proxmox installation process can begin.

Once the Proxmox software is installed, the next step is to configure the virtual machines. This can be done by using the Proxmox web interface or by using the command line. The web interface allows for easy configuration of virtual machines, while the command line provides more advanced options.

Once the virtual machines are configured, they can be started and managed using the Proxmox web interface. This allows for easy management of the virtual machines, including starting, stopping, and rebooting them.

Finally, the Proxmox server can be used to provide networking services. This can be done by setting up a virtual network switch and configuring the virtual machines to use it. This allows for easy communication between the virtual machines and the outside world.

Proxmox is a powerful virtualization server that can be used to create and manage virtual machines on a Raspberry Pi. It is an open source project that is designed to be easy to use and provides a wide range of features. With Proxmox, users can easily create and manage virtual machines, manage storage, and provide networking services.

New Raspberry Pi models come every year with increased CPU power and RAM, and virtualization is now a recurring topic on this website. This wasn’t always the case. Today, we’ll discuss a solution to host virtual machines (VM) on Raspberry Pi that I haven’t written about yet: Proxmox.

Proxmox is not available directly on Raspberry Pi, but the Pimox project is a port of Proxmox for the Raspberry Pi we can use to achieve the same results. An auto-installation script is available, so the installation is straightforward once the prerequisites are installed.

It’s easy on the paper, but I ran into several issues when trying to follow the instructions given on the GitHub page. In this article, I’ll give you a step-by-step guide, so you don’t lose as much time as I did when trying it :-).

Also, I must say right away that even though I’ll show you how to install this solution on your Raspberry Pi, it doesn’t mean that’s a good idea. It works, but there are still many issues due to missing drivers or just because the Raspberry Pi isn’t officially supported. See this as an experiment, a proof of concept, not a formal recommendation.

If you’re looking to quickly progress on Raspberry Pi, you can check out my e-book here. It’s a 30-day challenge where you learn one new thing every day until you become a Raspberry Pi expert. The first third of the book teaches you the basics, but the following chapters include projects you can try on your own.

Introducing Proxmox

If you are reading this, you are probably already familiar with Proxmox, but I will still start with a brief introduction for those who randomly came across this article.

What is Proxmox?

Proxmox is an open-source server management and server virtualization platform.
That’s the official definition, but to clarify, it’s a solution you can use to host virtual machines and containers with a simple web interface.

Personally, I’m used to VMWare ESXi (that you can also install on a Raspberry Pi) and a bit of Hyper-v, but I haven’t used Proxmox on production servers in my system administrator job. From what I have seen on the Raspberry Pi, it seems interesting.

I already explained on this website how to use QEMU on Raspberry Pi, you can see it as an interface for it (I know that’s probably far too restrictive, but it’s a simple way to see it). QEMU is a great tool to create virtual machines, but as everything is done via command lines, it’s not the easiest solution for beginners. Proxmox can be a way to make this easier.

What about Pimox?

As with many other projects, Proxmox doesn’t support Raspberry Pi, so we have to use a workaround to install it on our devices. Pimox is a port of Proxmox created especially for the Raspberry Pi. It’s not perfect, but at least you can install Proxmox and get a taste of it.

You can find the Pimox project on GitHub (here), with short documentation on how to install it. You can also use the “Issues” tab to ask questions if you experience any issues during the installation. I will try to make it easy for you to follow the instructions, but I haven’t fixed everything, so if you are serious about it, you might need their help.

The project is active as there are recent updates, and they still answer questions.
Now that the introductions are done, let’s move on to the installation part.

How to install Proxmox on Raspberry Pi

Here are the required steps to install Proxmox on a Raspberry Pi:

  • Install a compatible OS (Debian 11 or RPI OS 64 Bits).
  • Update the operating system with apt.
  • Download the Pimox script and edit it.
  • Run the installation script.

Once done, a web interface will be available to configure everything else.

Proxmox requirements: OS and Raspberry Pi

The main requirement is to use a 64-bit operating system, on the GitHub page they give you two choices:

So, you can’t use the standard Raspberry Pi OS version that you probably already have on your Raspberry Pi. In fact, I would recommend starting with a new SD card, even if you use one of these systems because the installation will change many things on your system. I don’t want you to break your current installation, so start with a new one.

I tried both. I didn’t have much success with Debian (the installation script never ends), and I think that using Raspberry Pi OS will be easier for most of you, so I’ll explain this version. If you really want to try with Debian, I’ll let you follow the steps on the GitHub page and come back there afterward.

So, the first step is to install the 64-bit version of Raspberry Pi. It’s almost the same process as usual, but you have to download the latest image available here.

I haven’t tried on another model, but using a Raspberry Pi 4 is also one of the requirements on the GitHub page, so make sure you use this model.

Update your operating system

Once your system is installed and configured correctly, you also need to update everything. You can use the welcome menu to do it, or type these two commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

The script we’ll use later will probably do it, but it’s a good habit to get to secure your Raspberry Pi.

As with any server project, try to use an Ethernet cable instead of the Wi-Fi connection, and you can also enable SSH and/or VNC to do the following steps from your computer if you want.

Install Pimox using the installation script

Nothing really new or complicated so far. Let’s move on to the Pimox installation steps:

  • Switch to root by using this command:
    sudo -s
  • Download the installation script with:
    curl >
  • You’ll not edit the file to adjust a few things:
  • The beginning of the file looks like this:
  • You need to change the first uncommented lines to fit your network settings.
    You can keep the hostname, as I don’t think you have anything named like this if it’s your first installation.
    But then you need to change the RPI_IP and GATEWAY variables at list.
    For example, you can set the IP address to “” (any free IP on your network, ideally outside the DHCP range) and the gateway to “” (the IP of your router).
  • Once done, save and exit nano (CTRL+X).
  • Add the execution permission to the script and run it:
    chmod +x

  • It will ask you for a root password right away. Remember it, as you’ll need it later to access the web interface.
  • Then you shouldn’t have anything else to do. The installation script will do everything for you. If you are asked any question during the apt installation, keep the default values.

Your Raspberry Pi will reboot at the end of the installation process, and Proxmox should be ready to use. I installed it on a Desktop version of Raspberry Pi and noticed that my wallpaper changed, and the network tool was removed, which is why I recommend using a dedicated SD card for this project.

Are you a bit lost in the Linux command line? Check this article first for the most important commands to remember, and a free downloadable cheat sheet so you can have the commands at your fingertips.

First steps with Proxmox on Raspberry Pi

Once installed, the fun part starts, as we can now access the Proxmox interface and try to create our first VM.
To be honest, I haven’t had great success with it, so I’ll share everything I have learned, but there is probably something missing as it doesn’t work as expected. I’m a bit disappointed with the result I got.

Proxmox web interface

If everything has gone well until now, the Proxmox web interface should be available at https://IP:8006.
The IP address is the one you set in the installation script, so for example

You’ll get an SSL error as we don’t have a certificate yet, but you can skip it (something like “Advanced” > “Proceed anyway” or similar depending on the browser you use).

Then you’ll get a login form. The default credentials for Proxmox are:

  • Login: root
  • Password: the one you set at the beginning of the installation.

Finally, you can access the usual interface of Proxmox. If you are familiar with it, you probably don’t need me anymore!

You’ll get an error message saying you don’t have a valid subscription. Subscriptions are for support only, you don’t need one for a simple test.

Upload ISO images on Proxmox

I ran into many issues while trying to make it work. Now, I’ll share with you an issue that I fixed, so you can move forward. The first one was to upload ISO images with the interfaces.

I started using Proxmox from my computer and uploading images from there (RPiX-PVE-X > Storage > ISO Images). But I got the error “Error 0 occurred while receiving the document.”. It means the upload has been cut before the end, but it doesn’t give any reason for it.
I then tried from the Raspberry Pi directly, using the https://localhost:8006 address, it was way better. But I also got the same error from time to time.

The best way to fix this error, it to move your downloaded ISO images directly to the Proxmox folder. So, for example:
sudo mv yourimage.iso /var/lib/vz/template/iso/

By doing this, the image will appear instantly in the web interface, and it works 100% of the time. I have no idea why it doesn’t work with the web interface, but using this command will fix it.

Create a network bridge.

Create a virtual machine with Proxmox

But most issues occurred while creating a new virtual machine.
The main issue is that you can’t use IDE peripherals. If you set your VM with an IDE drive or CD-ROM, it won’t start. Instead, you’ll get an error like “QEMU exited with code 1”.

Here are the steps to create a virtual machine with Proxmox:

  • Click “Create VM” in the top-right corner.
  • Enter a name for your system:
  • Click next, and choose “Do not use any media”.
    It will create an IDE CD Drive by default, and we can’t use it.
  • You can keep the default values in the System tab, but make sure to choose SCSI for the hard disk.
    Adjust the size if needed (32 GB by default, it won’t work if you have a small SD card).
  • You can adjust a bit the CPU and memory settings, but remember you are on a Raspberry Pi, so you don’t have much available.
  • For the network, you can start without it, but if you want to use it, you need to create a network bridge first (see the previous section).

Once done, your virtual machine will appear in the left menu, but there are a few more steps:

  • Pick the VM in the left menu, and go to “Hardware”.
  • Select the CD Drive line and remove it.
  • Then click Add > CD/DVD Drive. Choose SCSI and type 2 in the second field.
    You can then choose your ISO image to start with:

You should now be able to start the virtual machine by clicking “Start” in the top-right corner when the VM is selected.
But when you go to the “Console” section, you’ll probably get something like “Guest has not initialized the display (yet)”. That’s where I’m stuck.

I have found that by switching the BIOS I used to OVMF (UEFI) instead of SeaBios, I have a display, but the VM doesn’t start as there is no UEFI drive.

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Final thoughts

So yeah, that’s why I’m a bit disappointed with this experiment. Everything seems fine, but I can’t start any VM. I tried several operating systems, almost every option for Display and Bios, but nothing works.

If you have more experience with Proxmox and know how to fix this, I would love to have the solution and complete this tutorial (contact me if you have more success!), but for now, I can only help you with the first steps. I have spent so much time on this. I think this article will be useful anyway, but I’m sure there is a way to make it work.

When possible, I would recommend installing Proxmox on a traditional PC, with Ubuntu, for example. I tested it in the linked article, and it’s way better.

As a whole, Proxmox seems a good solution to install virtual machines on Raspberry Pi, as the installation process with VMWare ESXi was much more complicated. However, if Proxmox doesn’t work, VMWare ESXi is the only way for now. I’m sure there is a way to make it work, but anyway there aren’t many workarounds as the Raspberry Pi is not officially supported. So, as I told you in the beginning, take this as an experiment, it’s not intended to be used in production.

If you are looking to run Raspberry Pi OS on a virtual machine, you can also do it directly on your computer, it’s much more stable. I explain everything in this tutorial.

Additional Resources

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Understand everything about the Raspberry Pi, stop searching for help all the time, and finally enjoy completing your projects.
Watch the Raspberry Pi Bootcamp course now.

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Don’t want the basic stuff only? If you are looking for the best tips to become an expert on Raspberry Pi, this book is for you. Learn useful Linux skills and practice multiple projects with step-by-step guides.
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You can also find all my recommendations for tools and hardware on this page.

Getting Started with Proxmox on Raspberry Pi (Virtualization Server)

Are you looking to set up a virtualization server on your Raspberry Pi? Proxmox is a great option for virtualization on the Raspberry Pi. Proxmox is an open-source virtualization platform that allows you to easily create and manage virtual machines and containers. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get started with Proxmox on your Raspberry Pi.

What You’ll Need

  • Raspberry Pi
  • MicroSD card
  • Ethernet cable
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse

Step 1: Install Proxmox on Your Raspberry Pi

The first step is to install Proxmox on your Raspberry Pi. You can download the Proxmox image from the Proxmox website. Once you have downloaded the image, you can write it to your MicroSD card using a tool such as Etcher. Once the image is written to the card, you can insert it into your Raspberry Pi and boot it up.

Once your Raspberry Pi has booted up, you will be presented with the Proxmox setup wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process. Once the setup is complete, you will be able to access the Proxmox web interface.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Machine

Now that Proxmox is installed on your Raspberry Pi, you can start creating virtual machines. To create a virtual machine, click on the “Create VM” button in the Proxmox web interface. You will then be presented with a form where you can enter the details of your virtual machine. Enter the details of your virtual machine and click “Create”.

Once your virtual machine is created, you can start it up and access it via the Proxmox web interface. You can also access the virtual machine via SSH or VNC.

Step 3: Create a Container

In addition to creating virtual machines, you can also create containers with Proxmox. To create a container, click on the “Create CT” button in the Proxmox web interface. You will then be presented with a form where you can enter the details of your container. Enter the details of your container and click “Create”.

Once your container is created, you can start it up and access it via the Proxmox web interface. You can also access the container via SSH or VNC.


In this guide, we’ve shown you how to get started with Proxmox on your Raspberry Pi. Proxmox is a great option for virtualization on the Raspberry Pi, and it’s easy to set up and use. With Proxmox, you can easily create and manage virtual machines and containers.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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