How to Fix “exec user process caused: exec format error” in Linux

1. Check the File Format: The first step to fixing this error is to check the file format of the program you are trying to execute. Make sure that the file is in the correct format for the system you are running it on.

2. Check the File Permissions: The next step is to check the file permissions of the program you are trying to execute. Make sure that the file has the correct permissions set for the user that is trying to execute it.

3. Install the Required Libraries: If the file format and permissions are correct, then you may need to install the required libraries for the program to run. Check the documentation for the program to see what libraries are required.

4. Reinstall the Program: If all else fails, you may need to reinstall the program. Make sure to use the correct version for your system.

After completing a massive project, your team and you decided to use containerization for the entire project in the staging and production steps to avoid any environment-related issues and last-minute “it works on my machine” statements. But, while creating a container, you encountered the “exec user process caused: exec format error” and have no clue how to fix this. Don’t worry, as we are here to help. In this guide, we will explain the possible reasons for this issue, along with some reliable fixes to solve the “exec user process caused: exec format error” on your Linux system.

Fix “exec user process caused: exec format error” (2023)

What Causes the “exec user process caused: exec format error”

The most common cause of the “exec user process caused: exec format error” is the missing script header such as #!/bin/bash. This leads the container to move into the waiting stage with the reason CrashLoopBackOff when you try to run it. Upon checking the container log files, you will find the exact name of the error as standard_init_linux.go:300: exec user process caused “exec format error.”

In addition to the above-mentioned reason, there could be other reasons why this error occurs while working with containers:

  1. Using the wrong script header such as adding a space in between.
  2. Using some incompatible character encodings while writing the scripts
  3. Non-matching CPU architecture
  4. Missing file permissions

This is not an exhaustive list of possible reasons behind this error, but we have enlisted the most common causes. That said, here are the 5 best solutions to fix the issue on your Linux PC.

How to Fix the “exec user process caused: exec format error”

When writing any script with an interpreted language, it is always advisable to use a script header. It tells the shell to use which interpreter. You can think of the script header as the entry point for scripts. A few things to keep in mind while using a script header:

  • A script header should start with a shebang (#!) character.
  • The header should not contain any spaces or any other special characters.
  • Use the appropriate headers for the programming language you’re working on, and the header should also correspond to the particular script and the distro. For example, if you are using python 3.x on a Debian-based distro, use the following script header:


While using Alpine Linux, users tend to use the same bash script headers that are used in other Linux distros. For Alpine Linux, many use the following script header:


2. Wrong Character Encoding for Newlines

The newline character seems trivial and is often overlooked while troubleshooting, but it is known to be a major cause of some errors. The newline character is used to signify the “End Of Line” (EOL). This is interpreted differently by Windows and Linux. Windows uses CRLF (Carriage Return Line Feed), which interprets newline as \r\n . On the other hand, Linux uses LF (Line Feed), which interprets newlines as \n .

Suppose you wrote a file in Windows using the CRLF encoding, which when sent to staging or production with Linux as an environment causes the exec format error. This problem can be solved using some really simple steps:

  • Open the file in any Linux text editor of your choice.
  • Use the find-and-replace functionality to first search for the “\r\n” and replace it with “\n” in all the locations.
  • Alternatively, you can even set it to the Linux encoding when you are writing the actual code.

3. Architecture Mismatch

The system architecture mismatch is also one of the most common reasons for the “exec user process caused: exec format error“. The containerization technology was developed to solve software environment-related issues but not hardware ones.

For example, this usually happens when you’re working on projects on a system with ARM architecture, like with the new Apple M-series chipsets. When you push a code to your production environment, which is using an x86 system, it results in the “exec user process caused: exec format error”. This is because every piece of code when converted to the lower level of instructions is different for both ARM and x86. Docker detects the Apple M1 Pro platform as “linux/arm64/v8“. To solve this problem, use the following docker syntax while building an image:

docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t <image_name>:<version>-amd64 .

Then update your Docker file’s “FROM” statement using this syntax:

FROM --platform=linux/amd64 <base_image>:<version>

When you execute the above statements, your image will get modified from arm64 to amd64 architecture, fixing the issue at hand. Let us know if this solution fixes the problems with your docker deployments.

4. Wrong Script Encoding

The wrong script encoding is not a common issue but is also known to cause the “exec user process caused: exec format error,” especially in Windows Pcs. When you start writing the script, ensure that the encoding is set to UTF-8. If you are using VS Code to write the script, you can change the encoding using the following steps:

1. Open the file you want the change the encoding for in VS Code.

2. Go to the “File” menu in the top-left and hover your cursor over the “Preferences” option in the drop-down menu. Here, you need to select the “Settings” option from the sub-menu. Alternatively, you can directly press “CTRL + , (comma)” on the keyboard to access the Settings menu. This will open the settings menu in a separate tab.

opening settings options from file menu

3. In the search bar, type “encoding” and press Enter. Here, you will see the “Files: Encoding” setting with a drop-down menu.

searching for encoding sub menu in settings

4. Here, choose UTF-8 from the drop-down menu. This will change the encoding format for all global files opened or modified using VS Code.

choosing utf-8 encoding for all files

Generally, applying the UTF-8 encoding method works for most users. But if you’re still facing the error, you can try changing the encoding to UTF8+BOM using the same steps as mentioned above. Here, BOM stands for Byte Order Mark.

If you are using vim or any other command line-based text editor, it uses the system-wide encoding format. Check out this article on how to enable UTF-8 support in Linux.

5. Incorrect Permissions

File Permissions are often overlooked while working on a project. Permissions are of three types – read, write, and executable. The last type is divided into three categories of users – owner, user, and group. Generally, if you run an executable file without the correct permissions, it will give a “Permission Denied” error. But, while containerizing a big project, even a single file without executable permissions can cause the “exec user process caused: exec format error”. To check the permissions for every file in the container, use the following steps:

1. First, navigate to the container using the command:

cd <path_to_container>

2. Then, to check the file permissions of every file in the directory, use the following command:

ls -la

3. To change permissions for a file to executable permission, use the following syntax:

chmod +x <file_name_1> <file_name_2> <file_name_3>

Solve “exec user process caused: exec format error”

Breaking down bigger problems into smaller ones can help in solving them efficiently. Here, we have shared some possible causes for the “exec user process caused: exec format error” along with their solutions. Hope the solutions will help you to solve the error. If you need to know more about file permissions, check out our article on file permissions in Linux. In case you face problems in getting rid of the error, do let us know in the comments below.

How to Fix “exec user process caused: exec format error” in Linux

If you are a Linux user, you may have encountered the “exec user process caused: exec format error” message. This error occurs when a program is not in the correct format for the system to execute it. Fortunately, this error can be easily fixed with a few simple steps.

Step 1: Check the File Format

The first step in fixing the “exec user process caused: exec format error” is to check the file format of the program you are trying to execute. Linux systems can only execute programs that are in the ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) format. If the program is not in this format, you will need to convert it before you can execute it.

Step 2: Convert the File Format

If the program is not in the ELF format, you can use the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) to convert it. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

gcc -o program_name program_name.c

This command will compile the program and create an executable file in the ELF format. Once the file has been compiled, you can execute it by typing the following command:


Step 3: Check the Permissions

If the program is in the correct format but you are still getting the “exec user process caused: exec format error” message, you may need to check the permissions of the program. To do this, open a terminal window and type the following command:

ls -l program_name

This command will show you the permissions of the program. If the permissions are not set correctly, you can change them by typing the following command:

chmod +x program_name

This command will set the permissions of the program to allow it to be executed.


The “exec user process caused: exec format error” message can be a frustrating error to encounter, but it can be easily fixed with a few simple steps. First, check the file format of the program and convert it if necessary. Then, check the permissions of the program and change them if necessary. Once these steps have been completed, the program should execute without any errors.

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

Jaspreet Singh Ghuman

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